22 April 2020

New Article | The acquisition and legal due diligence process in Italy

During the past two years we have been involved in a number of acquisitions by Chinese companies, aimed at acquiring companies located in Italy, both through asset deal and equity deal. These projects have seen global and local synergies combined, fuelling corporate restructuring and greatly fostering internationalisation.

We thus had the chance to realise that a number of doubts are harboured by our Chinese clients when approaching the acquisition process; phases and activities which are fairly clear within an Italy-to-Italy acquisition are definitively not so apparent when the prospective buyer is foreigner. Therefore, we have unified hereunder the initial presentations of our work, repeatedly shared with our Chinese customer, hoping to provide a useful, even if very general and preliminary, briefing about what expects a foreign company when planning an acquisition in Italy.

View Article, by avv. Laura Priore and avv. Paola Bernardi